Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Book Review: Life Support by Candace Calvert

I was really disappointed in this book. I was looking forward to reading a book relating to the medical field because I thought it would be very interesting... but Life Support was not that great. The author's writing just didn't pull you into the story, and the storyline fell flat. There was a lack of strength in the writing. When I finished the whole thing  I was just like "And the point of this book was....?" It was difficult to get into, and was not very interesting. I was really disappointed in this book. I hate to be harsh, but this book was lame. I would not recommend it.

I received a copy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Review: The Young Entrepreneur's Guide to Starting and Running a Business

Start your own business!

Whether or not you are a "young" entrepreneur or entrepreneur wannabee, you will find this book helpful. I have been very impressed by it. It is very, very detailed, with lots of real-life examples, figures, facts and details. A very thorough book, and of course all the stories of small-business entrepreneurs are very inspiring to start a small business of your own. Even if you are not going to start a business right away, this book will give you some interesting reading material and lots of things to think about!

At first I was surprised at how huge it is - at nearly 500 pages it's pretty thick - but it's full of tons of great information. I'd definitely recommend this book.

I received a copy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!