Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 15, 2012

Hi! I thought I'd give an update on what I've been doing lately.
It was been COLD! This morning it was -2 degrees when we left for church. Brrrrrrrrr! Even with the "hot-air conditioning" in the van, we all had numb feet by the time we got to Lewiston. It's good that the church has heat, because we were sure ready for it when we got there.
I have been working on posting some book reviews. You can check them out in my 2 previous posts. If you rate them, I would be really appreciative! :-)
The weekend was busy. Miranda, Mackenzie, Mallory and I spent Friday night at our friends the Keeney's house. They have four girls whose company we enjoy so we had a lot of fun with them. Friday night we older girls actually stopped talking and went to sleep by about 11:30. Mallory slept with Kathryn in the guest room, and they were asleep by about 10:30. Neither of them is used to being up that late, and there were two little girls who were tired-out the next day :-)
We went sledding Saturday morning on the great sledding hill behind the Keeney's house. We also visited the goats and played "Kimp" in the morning. We made "crab" sandwiches for lunch (made out of crab-shaped homemade crescent rolls with olive eyes, celery or carrot legs, olive eyes, and tomato or pepper claws), which were really cute! The afternoon held more "Kimp", more sledding, wax-sticks, bead art, and beading crafts and helping with supper preparations. Dad, Mom, Max and Micah came for dinner, and we played some games afterwords.
This afternoon I worked on knitting a lace scarf. It's out of light blue yarn. I have about 2 feet left to knit on it.
Tonight we are going to Sunday night church. I'm looking forward to seeing some of my friends who will be there.

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